Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Fire destroys harvest-ready wheat crop on 12 acres in Kharar

A major fire destroyed harvest-ready wheat crop spread over 12 acres near Gopal Sweets in Kharar on Wednesday evening.
Due to wind, the fire spread quickly, creating panic in the area, as a petrol pump is also located there.
After the land owner and area residents failed to douse the fire themselves, they informed the Kharar fire department.
“We received a call at 7.07 pm, following which our teams reached there within 20 minutes and the fire was controlled by 8.30 pm. Two fire tenders were used to douse the fire,” said Kaur Singh, fire station officer, Kharar.
On Sunday morning, a similar fire had broken out at a site used by the Panchkula municipal corporation (MC) to dump horticulture waste in Industrial Area, Phase 1. As the fire spread swiftly in the dry horticulture waste, it took firefighters nearly eight hours to bring it under control.
